Thursday, April 25, 2013


April 22 - 6:41 PM

I was feeling so guilty since this afternoon that may be I was wrong and my sis(Younger/Google or ancient Potter sis) was right, but no! I felt all guilt free in the evening when...

It's that day when you can't ignore the six O' clock alarm, monday morning's the meeting time..ting ting! You cannot be late. I spent few hours yesterday looking for tickets yesterday and I badly wanted to book them in a day or do before the prices go up, although a lot of you know what I am talking about I'd like to keep it a little secret and reveal it when it finally happens. I was sure I'll discuss the dates at home and book it today or tomorrow, after a one and a half mugs of espresso I was full awake to make a call home and unfortunately this added to one of those 90% of calls when no one answers the phone, this is why I stopped calling them, them includes even my elder sis. I left them few warning messages to call back. My potter sis came online and she started arguing you call, we wont call blah blah and there was a reason behind me telling them to call but no..someone had to argue argue and make the sh*t out of my mood and yell - 'Fine Bye' with extra exclamations and log out, which made me more mad because I was so excited about this thing and my sis argued on a silly thing and zeroed all my excitement. She doesn't like me using an ef word, no one does at home, I got nagged by my mom and a big lecture from my sis cos I used it and I used it again and my sis went -if you want to talk to me like this then don't talk..hmm..I thought ok now she'll delete me from whatsapp, cos last time I used it she deleted me from her facebook, this trends been going on everywhere I guess, delete people if you don't want to talk to them, but this from siblings?seriously? she needs to grow up! I know I shouldn't use an ef word on my younger sis but she did enough to spoil my day.

I didn't hear from mom or anyone from home, I messaged my elder sis so that I can share it with her and relieve myself of anger but she never replied back so..I was all frustrated with a heavy head trying to work.. end of the day when I was about to save my work I see a message 'Microsoft has stopped working.' This added to the misery and I was more arghh! I just shut my laptop and started for home.

Its spring officially but its still  cold, I had to scratch ice on my windshield this morning so I still didn't go back to my mechanic to put my Heat back to AC ..remember my temperature control knob in the car was broken? While returning home the car got so hot with temperature reaching mid 60s..I tried driving with a window little down on the freeway but it looked as if my car was moving from one side to other side of the lane, so I just shut the window and drove, it was so hot inside that I felt my brain would leak, I decided I have to fix this myself put it on AC. 

I searched on you tube and they were videos how to fix it, it looked like this problem was common, I went to the car and under the steering its kind of a lever and all I had to do was move it to the opposite direction and I could feel the cool, I fixed it. 

Now the bottom line is if it was my mistake in the mornings argument with my sister then like everything turned out to be a flop show since morning, the fixing of AC would flop too, which didn't happen. I believe you are made to suffer/punished for all the bad you do in the same life. I have extreme cases which holds good for the above philosophy, every time I made fun of someone who fell ill in the house or in the school or friends I would fall ill within next 2 days, no their virus didn't make me fall sick, may be it did, but every time?